Some schools have opened up again for Group Tuition. Please check with your teacher to clarify pick-up arrangements. One-on-one ONLINE lessons are available. Please call 1300 108 634 for avaliabilites and a free trial.
Leap Ahead! Private Lessons ONLINE or Face2Face
Private Lessons Available ONLINE or Face2Face
Want to try private tuition? We have opened our books to ONLINE students Monday to Friday, and limited Face2Face spots for Tuesday's! Before or after school, finding the time for a private lesson isn't as hard as it used to be.
Spaces are limited... Call us on 1300 108 634 to book a free trial!


Kahoot! is now active!!!!!
To assist in the learning experience and home practice, we are now using the KAHOOT platform for guitar related games.
To play the games at home, please install the app on your mobile device (search for KAHOOT in the app store). To find our games, simply use #thekidzzone within the apps search function.
For any assistance in the set up, please call us on 1300 108 634.

Learn the GUITAR... After School, At School
Our specially designed group guitar course utilises games, stories, performance, a unique grading method and on-line assets to teach fundamental music and guitar related skills.
The format allows for students of all ages and skill levels to partake in a single group lesson. This keeps the student engagement and lesson cost at optimal levels.
Lessons take place weekly on the school grounds between 3:30 and 4:30pm. Our teachers are on site from 3:10, to ensure that your child is never left unattended.
Group guitar lessons after school. Call to register your details and reserve your child's spot in the class.
One on one lessons in your home. We come to you! Limited timeslots available.
1300 108 634
About the KIDZ ZONE
THE KIDZ ZONE is the latest addition to THE LICK FACTORY's arsenal of music education courses and products.
A guitar course like non other, THE KIDZ ZONE is designed to bridge a gap in music education that has traditionally made the guitar inaccessible to young students.
Young children have always been a challenge to teach in a one on one environment. Short attention spans, the discipline of practice and the lack of visual references on the guitar make learning process a lot slower for this age group.
But this is no reason to not make the guitar accessible to young kids.
As our mission statement dictates, innovation is key. We stepped away from THE LICK FACTORY's on-line business model and brought the lessons back to the classroom. We completely re-rewrote book on teaching primary aged children to play a musical instrument.
We developed a unique course that utilises games, stories, music & movement, ensemble approaches and THE LICK FACTORY's on-line resources to not only teach musical concepts and applications to younger minds, but inspire and motivate the students through music.
Presented in a classroom style format of up to 24 students, the aim of THE KIDZ ZONE is to develop confidence, discipline and life skills through a music outlet.

What do the kids learn?

How does the KIDZ ZONE work?
Fitting in line with THE LICK FACTORY's guidelines, the KIDZ ZONE is easily accessible to parents and students while seamlessly integrating into the school. Ensuring the students are prepared and involved in as many school and community performances as possible also plays a big part of this course.
Times & Supervision
We come to your school! Classes commence at 3:30pm to 4:30 pm on school grounds.
We believe in a duty of care and want to ensure that the guitar lessons don’t impact parents or the school. Our teachers are on site from 3:10pm. Students are encouraged to bring their guitars to school on the lesson day and proceed straight to the lesson after they are dismissed by their classroom teacher. They will remain under our supervision until they are picked up by their parents/guardian at 4:30.
Classes are split into 3 segments.
1. Music Games: This portion of the lesson involves using games and musical movement to teach music theory concepts and guitar specific execution. This includes concepts like rhythmic values, musical symbols and note placement.
2. Story Time: Part of the course development includes the use of stories to explain new musical concepts. Individual items are broken down and related to everyday things that the children will understand. Stories are told with the assistance of large format pictures and easy to read language.
3. Technical Execution: The class is split up into their four groups based on skill level. The children apply the knowledge they have attained in story time and games to the guitar. All children play the same piece of music that is prepared for performance. The four groups play four different parts that all contribute to the over all harmony, much the same way a string quartet works. This segment has 3 groups self directed and one guided at any given time.
Developing games and stories that support the introduction and learning curve of every new concept has been the key factor in the creation of this course. This method allows for multiple levels of skill to attend the same class. It encourages constant re-enforcement through repetition and emulation for the younger students.
Supported by on-line assets on, students are supplied a log in where accompaniment tracks, lesson notes, additional stories and games are available to assist in a students individual practice.
Students partake in a grading system similar to those in martial arts classes. Students are supplied a WHITE guitar strap when they begin lessons. Advancing through the color grades with each competency test, the children have a visual representation of their level in the class. Tests are every 6 months. They advance through the colour groups until they hit the BLACK STRAP, at which time it is suggested they move onto private tuition.
The colour grades are: WHITE, RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, And BLACK.
We want the kids to play! Church, assemblies, open & orientation days, constant performance is vital in developing confidence in themselves and their abilities.
THE KID ZONE organised recitals are put on yearly for the parents, families and students. We also work closely with the school for the preparation and integration of school and community based performances.
Group guitar lessons after school. Call to register your details and reserve your child's spot in the class.
New for 2018! One on one lessons in your home. We come to you! Limited timeslots available.
1300 108 634
The KIDZ ZONE Pricing
The Registration Fee is for the sole purpose of supplying an instrument to the student. All other accessories that the student will need for their lessons are also supplied. This fee is payable by the students 2nd lesson.
We are constantly working with importers and distributors to get quality equipment at the best possible price. Registration discounts are available to students who already own a suitable guitar or who have siblings in the group lesson.
Price includes:
• 1 x Classical Guitar $99.00
• 1 x Guitar Carry Bag $29.95
• 1 x Clip On-Tuner $16.95
• 1 x White Guitar Strap $14.95
• 10 x Guitar Picks $8.00
• 1 x Pick Holders $3.95
• 1 x Classical Guitar Strings $10.95
• 1 x Membership $27.00
Lessons are payable in advance at the beginning of each term. Invoices & receipts are supplied for all transactions. Payment methods include EFTPOS (portable terminal provided), PayPal and Direct Deposit.
Discounts are available for families. The rates are a follows.
2 Children:$20 (20% discount)
3 Children:$28 (25% discount)
4 + Children:$35 (30% Discount)

We understand that learning an instrument isn’t for everyone, but how do you know till you try? Unfortunately there is a cost associated with this philosophy. The cost of the instrument, the case, tuner, strings etc all add up.
To limit the risk for parents attaining their child’s instrument through the KIDZ ZONE registration, we offer the following in our 100% Guaranteed buy back scheme:
o 10 lessons or under: 80% of Registration fee ($ 120)
o 11 – 20 Lessons:70% of Registration fee ($ 105)
o 21 – 30 Lessons:60% of Registration fee ($ 90)
o 31 and over:50% of Registration fee ($ 75)
Regardless of how long the student remains in the Kidz Zone, their on-line Lick Factory membership will remain active at no additional charge.
Who's your teacher
Kris Petersen is a true veteran of the Australian Music Industry. From clubs to stadiums, Kris has performed on every continent in the world and shared the stage with some of the worlds biggest artists. And now he'll teach you! Learn more...

Group guitar lessons after school. Call to register your details and reserve your child's spot in the class.
New for 2018! One on one lessons in your home. We come to you! Limited timeslots available.
1300 108 634

We're updating our files! Please assist us by filling out the form in the link below. Please fill out one form for each of your children in the class.